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What's Cooking
2023 Issue 2

The 25th Anniversary of Nana's Recipes!

First Place

Peanut Butter Nerds (variation 1)

Second Place

Shrimp Dip (variation 1)

Third Place

Chicken Rosé L'Estragon

Honorable Mentions

Hash Brown Pizza

Layered Enchilada Pie

Chocolate Fudge

Pumpkin Pie (variation 1)

Cottage Cheese Pancakes
Tomorrow's Potatoes
Tuna on Toast

It’s time to celebrate a wonderful milestone for Nana's Recipes — the 25th anniversary! The site has evolved over the years, but we've tried to keep it simple and homey — just like the recipes we feature.

To commemorate this special occasion, Nana's family members picked their favorite recipes from the website. Their choices and reflections are below, the ranking of recipe popularity is noted with the images on the right. Nana passed away in early 2021.

Emily (granddaughter)

My favorite recipe is Peanut Butter Nerds — I have such fond memories of Nana making them for us practically every visit. Having made them as an adult, I have even more appreciation and admiration for her for doing that — they require quite a bit of time and attention. But, the smiles on everyone’s faces always makes it worth it for me, and that must be what it was for her too. (View Emily's Nerd Candy prepared in loving tribute to Nana.)

David (son)

My perennial favorite recipe is Drunk Chicken, also known as Chicken Rosé L'Estragon. It is the quintessential comfort food that will always transport me back to childhood in my mother’s kitchen. Heaven.

Susan (daughter)

My favorite is Chocolate Fudge. My mother (Nana) made it every year and served it at our Christmas celebrations for as long as I can remember. It was a delicious and decadent treat that I ate way too much of. When Nana was no longer able to make it herself, I tried my hand at making it. The results were delicious, but when I learned that each recipe used 1/2 lb. of butter, I decided I had better limit how much of it I ate!

Stephanie (daughter-in-law)

My first favorite recipe is Drunk Chicken because it was my husband’s (Nana’s son) favorite growing up. Each time I make it for us it’s a labor of love and I swear I can feel Nana’s smiling presence in our kitchen.

My other favorite recipe is Hash Brown Pizza because it’s incredibly delicious and it’s easy to put together. It’s one of the first things my husband made for me when we started dating, and it’s adult comfort food for me.

Cindi (daughter)

Shrimp Dip for sure!

Kelly (granddaughter)

Definitely Nerds. When I think of Christmas at Nana and Papa's I still think of eating way too many nerds. Although Pumpkin Pie comes in at a close second. I remember when I was really young, Nana used to let me help bake the pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving. I'm sure I was making more of a mess than helping, but it's a sweet memory to this day. (View Nana teaching Kelly how to make crust for a Pumpkin Pie.)

Mike (grandson)

Nerds of course!

Steve (grandson)

I have two favorites that I grew up eating at Nana's house around the holidays.

Shrimp Dip: It's not a party unless there is a huge batch of shrimp dip and ruffled chips to dip! This is still a family favorite and we've introduced a number of friends to it.

Nerds: These are another holiday favorite in our household. We have gifted them to teachers, neighbors and friends and everyone always loves them and asks for the recipe. We know right where to send them, Nana's Recipes!

Brittney (granddaughter)

I love Nerds because I have memories growing up making them with everyone.

I also love Shrimp Dip because I love shrimp and making and eating the dip reminds me of happy times with Nana and Papa.

Sandy (cousin)

Tomorrow's Potatoes by Margaret Rupnow (my mom), these are absolutely delicious. You need to try this. Helps reduce stress because it can be made ahead.

Layered Enchilada Pie by Stephanie Welton. OMG! Just delicious. Also Shrimp Dip, I could eat every bit by myself.

Jen (granddaughter)

The smell of Nana’s Shrimp Dip became like a theme song of family parties growing up. It was a special treat when we all got together. Years later, the smell of shrimp and cream cheese is etched in my memory.

Laurie (niece)

Cottage Cheese Pancakes, these sound delicious! I haven't tried the recipe yet, but hope to do so, as I'm always stuck on what to have for breakfast.

Cheryl (niece)

My first thought is Shrimp Dip. It is still a favorite at our family celebrations. I was thrilled that I could make it as good as Aunt Norma (Nana).

Then I came across Tuna on Toast! This is one if my childhood favorites and didn't realize it was on this site. I will be making it soon!

Brooke (granddaughter-in-law)

My favorite is Nerds! They're easy to make and such a treat. I have been making them for years at Christmas time and my kiddos like to help too. I enjoy giving little bags of them as gifts to friends and family for the holidays. People always ask for the recipe and I love that I can keep Nana's memory alive by sharing the website with them. Peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven! Yum!

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